Treasure Hunt [Event]


The Sky Dweller told you to defeat 10 Celestial Vanguards to prove you're the rightful owner of the treasure.

Kill: Celestial Vanguard (102)  Amount:10


New quest: Secret in the Treasure Map


Mysterious Chest Mysterious Chest

Tachi Sacred Precia Tachi Sacred Precia - 20


Sky Dweller

"Sunstream" 165 103(201)

Max repeat amount


Require quests

Quest Stats

Level: 90 - 104


Starting Quest Talk:

I have many treasure troves passed down from ancient times. Their owners couldn't sympathize with others' sufferings. On the contrary, they further intensified exploiting and oppressing others, which eventually led to their collapse. And the treasures fell into oblivion as well. What a pity!
- I'm wondering if you are the one.
Ha! Ha! To find out the treasure's location, you need to pass a test to prove you're its rightful owner. Now go and defeat 10 Celestial Vanguards.
- Thank you for everything.(Start Quest)
- Refuse (End dialog)