The Path to Nirvana


Speak to the Elder of Arcaneness about reaching Nirvana.


Elder of Arcaneness

"Jadeon" 4 -433(112)

Require quests


Quest Stats

Level: 150+

Mandatory quest

Can't be found from search

Can't be canceled

Can't be redone


Starting Quest Talk:

You are a very talented individual, to have reached the mortal limit in such a short time.
- I don't deserve such praise.
On the contrary. Few people have the mental discipline to get as far as you have.
- That is true.
The time has come. There are three trials you must face before reaching Nirvana. The path will be long and dangerous. Are you sure you are ready to begin?
- Yes, I am ready.(Start Quest)
- I don't believe I'm ready yet. Thanks anyway. (End dialog)

Finishing Quest:

Very well then. We will now begin the first trial.
- Thank you, Elder.(End quest)