Gift from the Sky Dweller


The Sky Dweller has a gift for you. Speak to him.

Items needed to start quest

Sky Dweller Sky Dweller's Invitation  Amount: 1



Malefic Holyfire Boots♂ Malefic Holyfire Boots♂ Bind

Malefic Holyfire Corslet♂ Malefic Holyfire Corslet♂ Bind

Malefic Sacred Fireclaw Malefic Sacred Fireclaw Bind

Malefic Holyfire Helm♂ Malefic Holyfire Helm♂ Bind


Malefic Holyfire Boots♀ Malefic Holyfire Boots♀ Bind

Malefic Holyfire Corslet♀ Malefic Holyfire Corslet♀ Bind

Malefic Sacred Fireclaw Malefic Sacred Fireclaw Bind

Malefic Holyfire Helm♀ Malefic Holyfire Helm♀ Bind

Award NPC

Sky Dweller

"Sunstream" 165 103(201)

Require quests

Quest Stats

Level: 136+

Auto complete

Can't be canceled

Can't be redone


Finishing Quest:

I have a gift for you. Thank you for all your help.
- Oh, wow. Thank you!(End quest)