Affinity Bead


The Elder of Arcaneness will extract the essence from an Affinity Bead and infuse it into your body.


Elder of Arcaneness

"Jadeon" 4 -433(112)

Time Limit

10 sec.

Require quests

Quest Stats

Level: Any

Finish chain

Can't be found from search

Quests in chain:

Sub tasks:

Dagos (First in chain) (Sub tasks amount:2)

Felkin (Sub tasks amount:2)

Fuwa (Sub tasks amount:2)


Starting Quest Talk:

Affinity Beads are a rare wonder in the world. They absorb three different kinds of essence from Jadeon, Vim, and Skysong. I can infuse one kind of essence to your body. Choose one.
- Draw Dagos
Dagos is of great help to Jadeon members, but useless to members of Skysong and Vim.
- Let me think about it. (End dialog)
- I've decided. (Start New Quest)
- Draw Felkin
Felkin is of great help to Vim members, but useless to members of Skysong and Jadeon.
- Let me think about it. (End dialog)
- I've decided. (Start New Quest)
- Draw Fuwa
Fuwa is of great help to Skysong members, but useless to members of Jadeon and Vim.
- Let me think about it. (End dialog)
- I've decided. (Start New Quest)