Expand Provision Bag


If you would like to add six slots to your Provision Bag, you will need to give Pet Tamer Totto two Sunray Brooches, which can be found in the Marketplace. (NOTE: This quest gives you more slots in the special bag that carries provisions and items gathered by your pets. If you would like to have more pets equipped in your Pet Roster, you should complete the "Expand Pet Roster" quest instead.)

Item: Sunray Brooch Sunray Brooch  Amount:2


Increase petbag cells amount up to 72


Pet Tamer Totto

"Sunstream" 213 45(164)

Require quests

Expand Provision Bag

Quest Stats

Level: Any

Can't be found from search

Can't be redone


Starting Quest Talk:

Hello. I supply Provision Bag expanding services. With a larger Provision Bag, you'll be able to carry more provisions, crafting materials and pet crafting materials! We're having a sale right now, and six Provision Bag slots will only cost you two Sunray Brooches! Would you like to expand your Provision Bag?
- Yes!(Start Quest)

Finishing Quest:

Have you found the Sunray Brooches needed to expand your Provision Bag?
- Yes!(End quest)