Unreasonable Demand


Zoxin considers himself your rival, so Zono feels hesitant about asking you to do him a favor. His son is crazy about fighting Goldeye Demons and has seriously injured himself many times. Zono worries about his son's health. Would you go kill Goldeye Demons so that Zoxin will be safe?

Kill: Goldeye Demon (19)  Amount:25


Exp: 1800


Dispatcher Xuja

"Divine Realm" 269 -343(372)

Award NPC


"Divine Realm" 198 48(335)

Require quests

Quest Stats

Level: 19 - 22

Can't be found from search


Finishing Quest:

Thank you, young warrior. I'll tell my son.
- While you're at it, tell him he shouldn't be so reckless.(End quest)