Truth of Orders


Guli the Senior wants you to help collect the Truth. Maybe he can solve the crisis between the human and the Athan. You don't need to it yourself. Just go to collect some furs of Goldeye Demons and exchange them with me.

Item: Goldeye Demon Leather Goldeye Demon Leather   Amount:15

Drop from: Goldeye Demon (19)  Rate:40.00%

Award NPC

Guli the Senior

"Divine Realm" 256 -447(376)

Require quests

Quest Stats

Level: Any

Finish chain

Also fail parent quest

Quests in chain:

Finishing Quest:

I entrusted this matter to Ziren. You can receive the quest from her if you wish to contribute to the search for truth. (You can find Ziren in the Divine Realm and fulfill her quest before the main story goes to the next chapter if your level is at least 105.)
- Yes.(End quest)