Windo Seal·Blessing of Earth


Go to Celestial City, find Wanyoo. You'll need two Windo Will items and 800 Gold to imbue Windo's power into an Eminence of Earth·Blessing necklace. The Wills will be consumed, but you have a chance of getting a Windo Seal·Blessing of Earth. If you have two Windo set accessories, the Windo Power will increase your CritNull. If you collect all three accessories, you can cast the skill Pentadragon Soar to increase your movement speed greatly for a short time. [Warning]: If this item has been Idenitfied or has any Gems embedded into it, both its Sockets and the Gems will be lost if it is upgradged.

Items needed to start quest

Eminence of Earth·Blessing Eminence of Earth·Blessing  Amount: 1

Windo Will Windo Will  Amount: 2



Chosen randomly

Eminence of Earth·Blessing Eminence of Earth·Blessing (99%)

Windo Seal·Blessing of Earth Windo Seal·Blessing of Earth (1%)



"Royal City" 45 -140(403)

Require money

800 G

Require quests

Quest Stats

Level: Any


Starting Quest Talk:

You'll need two Windo Will items and 800 Gold to imbue Windo's power into an Eminence of Earth·Blessing necklace. The Wills will be consumed, but you have a chance of getting a Windo Seal·Blessing of Earth. If you have two Windo set accessories, the Windo Power will increase your CritNull. If you collect all three accessories, you can cast the skill Pentadragon Soar to increase your movement speed greatly for a short time. [Warning]: If this item has been Idenitfied or has any Gems embedded into it, both its Sockets and the Gems will be lost if it is upgradged.
- Accept(Start Quest)