Celestial Mount[Event]


The god is happy to see so many humans start the enlightenment, so he sent the Horse Manager Logan to the human world to reward the diligent students.

Items needed to start quest

Fair Ticket Fair Ticket  Amount: 1


New quest: Celestial Mount[Event]


Celestial Rope Celestial Rope Bind
Duration: 3H

Taichi Pill Taichi Pill - 60



"Kunlun Wonderland" 126 89(117)

Max repeat amount


Require quests

Quest Stats

Level: 60+


Starting Quest Talk:

Human ascension is well on the rise now. To show my appreciation, I have begun distributing some great rewards to those who've earned it.
- Really? Great!
I am under the gods' orders to keep the celestial mounts here as rewards for the most diligent students. However, I'm a firm believer in doing and getting things for oneself. So, if you want a celestial mount, you'll just have to catch it yourself.
- How am I supposed to get it myself?
You see these various flying mounts in the sky? Well, it just so happens that I have a magic artifact here. It's called the Celestial Rope. Here, you can use it to catch your favorite mount.
- Great! Give the rope to me now!(Start Quest)

Finishing Quest:

This is the Celestial Rope. Here you are.
- Thanks!(End quest)