Golden Touch


Use Mr. Millionaire's Mago Stone to change the nearby stones into gold ingots.

Teleport to point

Cave of Fangs: -317 334 Height: 209



Taichi Pill Taichi Pill - 60

Wonderland Fair Gold Wonderland Fair Gold

Max repeat amount


Require quests

Quest Stats

Level: 60+

Quests in chain:

Starting Quest Talk:

I have here a magic Mago Stone. It allows you to change any common stone into gold! Here, try it out! Oh, the magic is not yet perfected, so be aware it can have unusual results. But that's part of the fun, right? Now, if you can make 3 Gold Lumps before the Mago Stone disappears, I'll give you a big reward. Remember, this is just a game within a fair, so you can't keep the gold. I can, however, teach you the skill Golden Touch. Whaddya say?
- Yes!(Start Quest)
- I'm not interested. (End dialog)

Finishing Quest:

Well done!
- I understand.(End quest)