Message of Love


Suntu fell in love with a beautiful girl, but he does not know how to show his love, so he asked you to deliver the letter he wrote to the girl.

Award NPC

Tailor Swaha

"Sunstream" 163 76(163)

Require quests

Quest Stats

Level: Any

Also fail parent quest

Quests in chain:

Finishing Quest:

Oh, no, not another love letter! Who sent you? Whose heart do I have to break today?
- Why would you reject Suntu?
What? Suntu? Oh... He actually sent this? He's always been so evasive, I thought he didn't like me. Hmm, Mrs. Suntu...
- So you agree?
Of course! But we should talk to my parents first. This is a big step in my life, after all. Can you go talk to my father for me? He's the foremost physician here in Sunstream City, so his standards are rather high...
- I'm sure he'll give his blessing.(End quest)