Negar's Past


Try to arrange for a marriage between Anan and Velonus.



Taichi Pill Taichi Pill - 130

Inspiration Inspiration

Ring of the Demon Ring of the Demon Bind

Gem Pack Gem Pack Bind

Celesphere Sand Pack Celesphere Sand Pack Bind

Require quests

Unforgettable Love

Quest Stats

Level: 60+

Mandatory quest

Can't be found from search

Can't be canceled

Can't be redone

Quests in chain:

Starting Quest Talk:

Tell me your purpose here.
- Somebody asked me to visit you.
It won't be an easy thing to arrange a marriage between Shaw Danon and Anan. Jadeon must be encouraging it for a reason. I wonder what that reason is.
- Well, Velonus was originally from Jadeon.
How do you know Shaw Danon wants to marry Anan? What would he do if Bilu were resurrected?
- You don't know what love is, do you? I'll go ask someone else.(Start Quest)
World chat message: [Congratulations, you have finished the plot quests in Doom Bog. When you're between levels 60-74, you can go to &location(Edian,99,262,-156,5)& in Brigand's Keep to take daily quests and gain lots of EXP.] You found Negar again. She refused Jadeon's help, but you are still determined to arrange a marriage between Anan and Velonus. Meri Koon then told you about Negar's past.   Meri Koon didn't refuse Jadeon's aid, but he feels Velonus and Bilu should decide on their own, rather than have Velonus marry Anan out of obligation. The first step is reviving Bilu.   Enu was angry with Negar's reluctance, but he eventually accepted it and still wants to help revive Bilu.   Meri Koon accidentally mentioned something called the Vier Blood Array, perhaps this is important. As to how to revive Bilu or help to match up Anan and Velonus, finding Velonus comes first. You went to Foxhill to find Velonus, but learned that he had already left for the Wildlands. You may go there now, but the monsters there are vicious and numerous. It would be wise to train in Doom Bog for a bit longer. When you have reached LV75, you will be strong enough to travel there.