Great Responsibility


Please eliminate these demons. Make sure you have at least 3 empty slots in your bag.



Ring of the Spirit Ring of the Spirit

Gem Pack Gem Pack Bind

Celesphere Sand Pack Celesphere Sand Pack Bind

Require quests

Yasho Inbound

Quest Stats

Level: Any

Mandatory quest

Can't be found from search

Can't be canceled

Can't be redone

Quests in chain:

Starting Quest Talk:

Can you help us thin out the Yasho? The more of them we can kill before they attack, the better Incense Valley's chances are.
- No problem.(Start Quest)

Finishing Quest:

You have done it? You're a big help.
- It's my duty.(End quest)
World chat message: You killed enough of the Yasho that Incense Valley should be able to withstand any attack. You didn't learn anything about the Vier Blood Array, unfortunately, so it's time to move on. You remember Meri Koon mentioning a rumor about a wizard who knew a resurrection spell. That wizard lives in the Southern Border... Congratulations, you've finished the plot quests in Incense Valley. When you reach level 90-104 you can go to &location(Ragner, -257,78,192,7)& in Incense Valley to take the daily quest Jealous Flowers, and gain high EXP awards.