Bag Extension I


Acquire some Magewool for Stashkeep Tamsin in Sunstream City. You can buy them from the Marketplace.

Item: Magewool Magewool  Amount:1


Increase inventory cells amount up to 36


Stashkeep Tamsin

"Sunstream" 212 73(163)

Require quests

Quest Stats

Level: 200+

Can't be found from search

Can't be redone

Fail as player go offline


Starting Quest Talk:

It would be convenient for you to have a large bag. The larger, the better. I will help you enlarge it if you collect some Magewool for me. (NOTE: While this quest is in your log, it will prevent your free bag slots from unlocking.)
- No problem, I'll get some Magewool.(Start Quest)
- Thanks, but not now. (End dialog)

Finishing Quest:

Good. I can use this Magewool to enlarge your bag.
- Oh, wow. Thank you!(End quest)