Lupin Weapon ⑵


As a Lupin disciple, you should make contributions to Lupin. If your Honor meets Baner Po's requirements, she'll give you a weapon as awards.



Ardent Fountain Glaive Ardent Fountain Glaive


Baner Po

"Sunstream" 183 40(165)

Require quests

Quest Stats

Level: 200+

Can't be redone


Starting Quest Talk:

Your Honor to Lupin can not only develop Lupin, but can also enlighten yourself. Go, and when your Honor meets my requirements, I'll give this weapon to you.
- No problem.(Start Quest)
- It has nothing to do with me. (End dialog)

Finishing Quest:

Well done! You've contributed a lot to Lupin. This weapon is for you as awards. Please make a continuous effort.
- I will.(End quest)