3rd Test


You need to kill the enemies as soon as possible! The longer you take the worse it will get! If you succeed in defeating the enemies within the time limit, you will skip ahead to the 5th test. If you fail, you will instead progress to the 4th test. After acquiring the quest, you must wait for 5 minutes before you can acquire it again.

Kill: Armed Bandit (146)  Amount:20


Teleport to point: Moontop Hollow: 53 -331 Height: 36

After failing quest


Hwan III

"Moontop Hollow" 300 -436(36)

Time Limit


Time interval


Require quests

Quest Stats

Level: Any

Can't be found from search

Shared quest


Starting Quest Talk:

You need to kill these enemies as
soon as possible! The longer you
take the worse it will get!
- ...(Start Quest)