Way of Crafting


Find some Copper Blocks for Craftsman Tamasi in Sunstream City. She will teach you how to produce weapons and defensive gear.

Item: Copper Block Copper Block  Amount:5


Gives special title


Craftsman Tamasi

"Sunstream" 176 79(163)

Require quests


Quest Stats

Level: 31+

Mandatory quest

Can't be redone


Starting Quest Talk:

&name&, weapons and defensive gear have become crucial since the Yasho scourge began, and it's hard to keep up with business. The Wang family plans to move out of Sunstream City, and they need a large supply of weapons for self-defense. Unfortunately, I don't have enough Copper Blocks to produce these weapons. Could you collect some for me? I will teach you how to produce weapons and defensive gear as a reward.
- No problem! I'll help you.(Start Quest)
- No, I'm not interested in blacksmithing. (End dialog)

Finishing Quest:

Thank you very much. Let me teach you how to produce weapons and gear, as agreed.
- Yes.(End quest)