Skysong's Test


Skysong is one of the major Good factions, aimed at eliminating monsters, healing, and helping the entire world. As the north is suffering from a serious drought, Faji from Skysong is in Sunstream City, collecting money for disaster relief. If you donate 5 silver to show your mercy, you'll be admitted to Skysong.


Gives special title


Elite Bronze Staff Elite Bronze Staff

Orb of Luck Orb of Luck Bind



"Sunstream" 181 154(163)

Max repeat amount


Require money

50 M

Require quests

Join Skysong

Quest Stats

Level: 15+

Mandatory quest

Can't be found from search

Fail as player go offline


Character is Unqualified message:

If you donate 5 Silver for Sunstream City people, I can introduce you to join Skysong.
- Yes.(End dialog)

Starting Quest Talk:

Skysong is one of the major factions of Good, aimed at eliminating monsters, healing, and helping the entire world. The north is suffering from a serious drought, and I want to collect some money for disaster relief. Are you willing to donate 50 Copper Coins to show your mercy?
- I'd love to.(Start Quest)
- I'm waiting for others to show mercy on me. (End dialog)

Finishing Quest:

Good. Since you have the will to save the people, you have a bond with Skysong. But if you want to join Skysong, you need to answer one question first.
- Please ask.
Why do you want to join Skysong?
- Skysong has powerful skills, and I want to save the world.
Good. Since you have the will to save the people, you have a bond with Skysong.
- Thanks a lot.(End quest)
- I want to be invincible and dominate the world.(End quest)