Icy Jade Wine


Give Issa 15 Clearwater Jaspers and 15 pieces of Scarla Wood to make wine with the Icy Jade Wine Cup.

Item: Scarla Wood Scarla Wood  Amount:15

Item: Clearwater Jasper Clearwater Jasper  Amount:15



Icy Jade Wine Icy Jade Wine



"Jadeon" 123 192(64)

Require quests

Icy Jade Esper

Quest Stats

Level: Any

Can't be found from search

Can't be redone


Starting Quest Talk:

How's it going? Do you want to try my wine? You can enjoy it every day if you give me the provisions I need.
- Thank you for everything.(Start Quest)
- Refuse (End dialog)

Finishing Quest:

These provisions are just right. I can give you wine every day as long as you keep bringing them to me.
- I understand.(End quest)