

You have performed many great deeds in service to Skysong. As a reward, Fashan has decided to give you some instruction to help your spiritual growth.


Exp: 25360


Mystic Bluewonder Stone Mystic Bluewonder Stone

Mystic Whitespirit Stone Mystic Whitespirit Stone



"Skysong" -107 -237(333)

Require quests

Great Wish

Quest Stats

Level: 10+

Can't be found from search

Can't be redone

Quests in chain:

Starting Quest Talk:

It is a common practice for the monks of Skysong to meditate on the concept of emptiness. Indeed, much of our power originates from emptiness. Now, I will teach you how to understand emptiness yourself.
- Go ahead, please.
There is an old saying: Form does not differ from emptiness, emptiness does not differ from form.
- I don't understand.
No, of course you don't--not yet. There is a Meditation Room on the Cliffs of Abundance; in there, you may come to understand emptiness. But you must get a Puti Heart first.
- What's that?
A Puti Heart is a kind of fungus that only grows on the steepest cliffs. Only with a Puti Heart can you enter the Meditation Room.
- Where can I find one?
There is a large hill to the east of the Mound of the Minister. If you can climb to the top of that hill, you may be lucky enough to find a Puti Heart.
- Thank you for everything.(Start Quest)
- Refuse (End dialog)