Southern Border Challenge


With Yasho's infestation, the world is in great turmoil. Summon all clan members to go to Southern Border to kill as many Krah Terrorwings as possible within 30 minutes. Save the people from disaster and make our clan known to the world!

Kill: Krah Terrorwing (105)  Amount:0


Exp: 25


Clan Coordinator

"Sunstream" 193 172(164)

Time Limit


Require quests

Quest Stats

Level: 105+

Can't be found from search


Starting Quest Talk:

The world is in great turmoil because the Yasho have infested the land. &name&, many heroes fight by your side, and the strength of your Clan is great. The world needs young heroes like you! Krah Terrorwings are fierce and ruthless, and many innocent people were killed by them. &name&, gather all the members of &family& and wipe out all these Krah Terrorwings!
- Thank you for everything.(Start Quest)
- Refuse (End dialog)

Finishing Quest:

&name&, you eliminated the Yasho with such haste! The world will not forget what you have done today. We need more heroes like you and your Clan! The Clan Master has caught wind of your accomplishments and has more requests for your Clan.
- I understand.(End quest)