Incense Valley Monster (5)


Accept Clan Master's commission. Kill Veinrot Killers at Incense Valley and save the world!

Kill: Veinrot Killer (102)  Amount:200



Taichi Pill Taichi Pill - 60

Inspiration Inspiration


Clan Master

"Sunstream" 196 172(164)

Require quests

Quest Stats

Level: 90 - 104

Can't be found from search


Starting Quest Talk:

I've just got the message that Veinrot Killers at Incense Valley are so rampant that they do all kinds of evil. &name&, do you have confidence to rid the people of the trouble and let these Veinrot Killers see the great power of &family&?
- Thank you for everything.(Start Quest)
- Refuse (End dialog)

Finishing Quest:

&name&, you destroyed those Yasho with incredible speed! Surely you and the members of &family& are the greatest clan in the land!
- I understand.(End quest)