Wonderful Dreams


Dream Master Saon has been having strange dreams recently. Maybe you can help him interpret them.


Gives special title


Mystic Bluewonder Stone Mystic Bluewonder Stone

Mystic Whitespirit Stone Mystic Whitespirit Stone


Dream Master Saon

"Sunstream" -108 159(167)

Require quests

Quest Stats

Level: 35+

Can't be found from search

Can't be redone

Quests in chain:

Starting Quest Talk:

Why do I keep dreaming the same strange dream these days?
- What is strange about your dream?
When I am dreaming, I first see beautiful fairies descending into Sunstream City. As I wander around, they happen to encounter me and I become overwhelmed with joy! Then, in the twinkle of an eye, they turn into lovely white rabbits. These rabbits hop towards the south gate. By the time they reach the gate, night has fallen. As it is dark, I fear that they may run into danger, so I follow them. We arrive at a ranch, and are immediately surrounded by wolves. I don't know whether the wolves' target is the cows or us. Just as we're about to fight, a rooster crows and I wake up...
- That seems like a normal dream to me.
The dream has appeared several times. There must be some reasons. If you have time, you can go to Yinsho Cottage and see if there is something in the dream.
- Okay, I'll look for them.(Start Quest)
- I don't have time. (End dialog)