Love of Destiny—Love Fruit


The Love Flower needs a lot of attention in order to sprout, grow and bear fruit properly. The Elder Matchmaker hopes you will be successful in cultivating your Love Fruit.

Need team member

Female - Level:10+  Amount:1  Quest: Love of Destiny—Love Fruit

Items given by NPC

Wanbol Wanbol  Amount: 1

Wanbol Wanbol  Amount: 1

Wanbol Wanbol  Amount: 1


Gives special title


[Beloved One] Ring [Beloved One] Ring


Eldest Matchmaker

"Sunstream" 185 104(165)

Require quests

Quest Stats

Level: 45+

Quest for Male character

Can't be canceled

Fails for all players

Quests in chain:

Starting Quest Talk:

Sometimes love is like a delicate flower and needs a great amount of attention in order to grow and bear fruit. All love is born through the pursuit and cherishing of it. I'll give you some Wanbol to help you. I hope you can make the flower sprout and bear the Love Fruit.
- I'd like to have a try.(Start Quest)
- No thanks. (End dialog)