Terrorwing Teeth


It is said that the powder created from the grinded teeth of Krah Terrorwings can be used to attract Earthworms. Physician Garbi wants to test this theory. He hopes you can collect some teeth for him by killing some Krah Terrorwings.

Item: Terrorwing Teeth Terrorwing Teeth   Amount:20

Drop from: Krah Terrorwing (105)  Rate:33.33%



Sunbeam Stone Sunbeam Stone

Taichi Pill Taichi Pill - 2

Inspiration Inspiration


Dispatcher Takil

"Southern Border" 76 27(35)

Award NPC

Physician Garbi

"Southern Border" 42 -17(35)

Require quests

Quest Stats

Level: 200+

Can't be found from search


Finishing Quest:

These teeth are really solid. It's not easy to grind them into powder. I should talk with Tumagu about it. Thank you, you can leave now.
- Well, all right.(End quest)