Varied Scute


The Earthworms are protected by bony plates known as Varied Scutes. These plates can be used to make very good armor. Tailor Taksa hopes you can collect some Varied Scutes for her by killing Earthworms.

Item: Varied Scute Varied Scute   Amount:30

Drop from: Earthworm (105)  Rate:50.00%



Sunbeam Stone Sunbeam Stone

Taichi Pill Taichi Pill - 2

Inspiration Inspiration


Dispatcher Takil

"Southern Border" 76 27(35)

Award NPC

Tailor Taksa

"Southern Border" 38 -8(35)

Require quests

Quest Stats

Level: 105 - 108

Can't be found from search


Finishing Quest:

I can produce gear with the Varied Scute, and I'll give you a discount if you'd like to buy.
- Thank you.(End quest)