Wind Drum


The Skyshowl Bruinos have tough belly skin that is perfect for making Wind Drums. Craftsman Annu needs to make more Wind Drums for the ceremony, so she hopes you can collect some of these skins.

Item: Soft Leather Soft Leather   Amount:20

Drop from: Skyhowl Bruino (113)  Rate:36.36%



Sunbeam Stone Sunbeam Stone

Taichi Pill Taichi Pill - 2

Inspiration Inspiration


Dispatcher Takil

"Southern Border" 76 27(35)

Award NPC

Craftsman Annu

"Southern Border" 57 -53(35)

Require quests

Quest Stats

Level: 113 - 116

Can't be found from search


Finishing Quest:

I can use these skins to make the Wind Drums needed for the ceremony. You should come see them when I'm done.
- I'm looking forward to it.(End quest)