Oak Monsters


The Withered Oaks were trees a thousand years ago, before the horrid fumes of the Beast Lord turned them into the poor, depraved creatures they are today...Help the people of Incense Valley put an end to their living nightmare, then speak to Gentan when you're done.

Kill: Withered Oak (90)  Amount:55



Lunar Stone Lunar Stone

Taichi Pill Taichi Pill - 2

Inspiration Inspiration


Dispatcher Panzu

"Incense Valley" -143 105(66)

Award NPC

Stashkeep Gentan

"Incense Valley" -87 139(56)

Require quests

Quest Stats

Level: 200+

Can't be found from search


Finishing Quest:

Thank you for your help. Incense Valley will always welcome you.
- I understand.(End quest)