Withered Oaks' Branch


Find Withered Oak Branches at Cranecross Dike for Ragner.

Item: Withered Oaks Withered Oaks' Branch   Amount:10

Drop from: Withered Oak (90)  Rate:14.00%

Award NPC


"Incense Valley" -259 192(77)

Require quests

Quest Stats

Level: Any

Also fail parent quest

Quests in chain:

Parent Quest: Doubts

Prev: Search Cranecross Dike


Finishing Quest:

Take a look at this. It's a Withered Oak Branch I found when I was young. This is the Withered Oak Branch you found. There is no difference between the two. It leads me to believe that the Withered Oaks are not affected by the noxious fumes. Li Su must be lying to me. Please search Cranecross Dike carefully. There must be some other clue!
- Thank you for everything.(End quest)