Durable Fighter


Accept the challenge, and kill his guards – Slitherwing Leecher, Rising Corpse, and Putrid Wamut.

Kill: Slitherwing Leecher (117)  Amount:1

Kill: Putrid Wamut (117)  Amount:1

Kill: Rising Corpse (117)  Amount:1


Teleport to point: Southern Border: -400 -318 Height: 105


Ancient Cave Epigraph Ancient Cave Epigraph

Award NPC

Beast Lord

Require quests

Quest Stats

Level: Any

Also fail parent quest

Quests in chain:

Parent Quest: Ancient Cave Epigraph

Next: Test

Prev: Epigraph


Finishing Quest:

You've defeated my mean. It proves your strength. Here is the Ancient Cave Epigraph that was left by Lady Linaska. Leave now.
- I understand.(End quest)