Skyfox's Cloud Brocade


Kill Searing Skyfoxes outside Cold Cloud for Skyfox's Cloud Brocades.


Exp: 3508750


Tailor Yun

"Kunlun" -216 397(117)

Require quests

Warm Wine

Quest Stats

Level: 120+

Can't be redone

Quests in chain:

Starting Quest Talk:

I've been here for over one hundred years! My only desire is the search for enlightenment. I don't think I'll find it, and I've wasted so much time. I've almost forgotten how to make clothes, which is terrible because it was my former vocation. Would you help me collect the Skyfox's Cloud Brocade from the Searing Skyfox outside of town? I want to practice sewing again; it used to make me so happy.
- Thank you for everything.(Start Quest)
- Refuse (End dialog)