Mystic Treasure Charm


You can get a Mystic Treasure Charm VI after you pass the Metaphysician's test.

Kill: Skycracker Leon (113)  Amount:60


Exp: 793320


Chosen randomly

Mystic Treasure Charm VI Mystic Treasure Charm VI (95%)

Mystic Treasure Charm VI Mystic Treasure Charm VI (5%)


Metaphysician Yuun

"Southern Border" 100 3(35)

Max repeat amount


Require money

1 G 20 S

Require quests

Quest Stats

Level: 113 - 116

Can't be found from search


Starting Quest Talk:

I have a Mystic Treasure Charm that can help you open a magic chest in the Southern Border. If you want it, you need to pay me and then kill Skycracker Leons to prove your power.
- I'd like it! (Pay 1 gold 20 silver)(Start Quest)

Finishing Quest:

Great! Here you go. You will be able to sense the chest's location once you use the charm. Go forth, and remember to watch out for the Deathmark Gilhooks!
- I see.(End quest)