Soldiers' Pay


Everybody, we must unite together to defeat the Yasho. Officers and men at the front are shedding their blood and sacrificing their lives. So, we should support them, donate our money, food, everything we have. This is the King's order.



Talisman of Craft Talisman of Craft


Alliance Master

"Sunstream" 209 172(163)

Require reputation


Require Alliance

4 Level

Require quests

Quest Stats

Level: Any

Can't be found from search


Starting Quest Talk:

Imperial Order: Everybody, we must unite together to defeat the Yasho. Officers and men at the front are shedding their blood and sacrificing their lives. So, we should support them, donate our money, food, everything we have
- No problem!(Start Quest)
- What? Go to hell! (End dialog)