Test Material


Ganix has forged a new knife, which is said to be extremely sharp. He needs some hard shells of Ironshell Pincers to test his knife on. You can find Ironshell Pincers near Laguna Ferry.

Item: Tough Shell Tough Shell   Amount:10

Drop from: Ironshell Pincer (49)  Rate:25.00%



Violeta Stone Violeta Stone

Taichi Pill Taichi Pill - 2

Inspiration Inspiration


Dispatcher Ningo

"Billows" -238 173(75)

Award NPC

Blacksmith Ganix

"Billows" -271 184(71)

Require quests

Quest Stats

Level: 49 - 52

Can't be found from search


Finishing Quest:

Are these the shells of the Ironshell Pincers? Let me try. What? My knife can't cut it open completely. Their shells are hard indeed. It seems I have to explore new methods to forge sharper knives.
- But with such power, it's already amazing.(End quest)