Excellent Spirit Potion

Type: N/A魔法药

Effect: Instantly restores 516 Spirit, and then restores an additional 172 Spirit three times over the next six seconds.

Required Level: 105

Price: 46 M / 4 S 60 M

Stacked: 99

Spirit Remedy
Right-click to regain Spirit. An Excellent Potion that
delivers half of its restorative power up front,
and the other half recovers gradually.

Harvest from

Mysterious Chest (Quest required)

Drop from
# Name Level Map Coordinates HP %
1 Barx Rimefist Berserker 124 Kunlun-204 -94 95150 3.0181
2 Battleground Info 119 Ascension Battleground 1-357 -470 81555000 3.0181
3 Battleground Notice 119 Battleground 2-192 305 81555000 3.0181
4 Battleground Notice 135 Battleground 2-69 443 85589500 3.0181
5 Celestial Hammerman 132 -- 11178 3.0181
6 Cenos Defender 120 Kunlun270 417 1065720 3.0181
7 Corrupted Blizzard Bear 132 Kunlun-90 -436 558900 3.0181
8 Corrupted Drought Demon 135 Shura125 -218 574250 3.0181
9 Corrupted Icespike Golem 128 Kunlun76 -106 542750 3.0181
10 Corrupted Snow Fox 120 Kunlun20 394 444050 3.0181
11 Corrupted Snowland Bandit 124 Kunlun-152 23 475750 3.0181
12 Cursed Sentinel 134 Kunlun212 -390 1138200 3.0181
13 Dweller of Clound 132 -- 11178 3.0181
14 Elysium Patroller 128 Kunlun155 -429 162825 3.0181
15 Guardian of Cloud 132 Kunlun Wonderland141 -68 167670 3.0181
16 Guardian of Lightning 132 Kunlun Wonderland144 -72 167670 3.0181
17 Guardian of Thunder 132 Kunlun Wonderland135 -72 167670 3.0181
18 Guardian of Wind 132 Kunlun Wonderland138 -68 167670 3.0181
19 Honpyra Guard 128 Kunlun-377 400 162825 3.0181
20 Icespike Golem Berserker 128 Kunlun-84 -128 108550 3.0181
21 Ihoken Defender 128 Kunlun296 -161 2605200 3.0181
22 Ihoken Dictator 150 -- 19500000 3.0181
23 Ihoken Watcher 137 Shura-338 -229 1829700 3.0181
24 Janos Defender 122 Kunlun-327 376 1379550 3.0181
25 Janos Dictator 150 -- 18000000 3.0181
26 Jotu 150 -- 2000000 3.0181
27 Keyan Guard 128 Kunlun-151 -181 162825 3.0181
28 Koin Guard 128 Kunlun-24 415 162825 3.0181
29 Kongu Defender 132 Kunlun-377 -268 6706800 3.0181
30 Kongu Dictator 150 -- 16500000 3.0181
31 Kyoosen Guard 128 Kunlun208 125 162825 3.0181
32 Liang Sentinel 128 Kunlun-248 -349 325650 3.0181
33 Linkzzar Guard 128 Kunlun-372 374 162825 3.0181
34 Lixtan 124 Kunlun434 203 380600 3.0181
35 N/A真精英随机120 120 -- 177620 3.0181
36 N/A真精英随机124 124 -- 190000 3.0181
37 N/A真精英随机128 128 -- 216000 3.0181
38 N/A真精英随机132 132 -- 223500 3.0181
39 N/A真精英随机135 135 -- 230000 3.0181
40 N/A逸龙轩杀怪控制透明怪10分钟后 119 -- 81555000 3.0181
41 N/A隐仙阁杀怪控制透明怪10分钟后 135 -- 15589500 3.0181
42 Pothlu Sentinel 128 Kunlun446 -374 325650 3.0181
43 Shan Defender 130 Kunlun162 -315 5288160 3.0181
44 Shan Dictator 150 -- 36000000 3.0181
45 Shan Watcher 135 Shura-84 -450 1378200 3.0181
46 Shorka Sentinel 128 Kunlun-141 104 325650 3.0181
47 Sleet Spirit Berserker 132 Kunlun-219 -282 111780 3.0181
48 Snowland Herald 132 Kunlun30 126 335340 3.0181
49 Soul of the Moon 124 Kunlun7 -148 190300 3.0181
50 Soul of the Star 124 Kunlun386 19 190300 3.0181
51 Soul of the Water 124 Kunlun-152 -215 190300 3.0181
52 Soul of the Wind 124 Kunlun-119 -432 190300 3.0181
53 Suanny 150 -- 2000000 3.0181
54 Suos Defender 126 Kunlun193 70 2138010 3.0181
55 Superior Barx Rimefist 124 Kunlun-274 14 285450 3.0181
56 Superior Icespike Golem 128 Kunlun117 -218 325650 3.0181
57 Superior Sleet Spirit 132 Kunlun-320 -259 335340 3.0181
58 Taen Sentinel 128 Kunlun-388 -275 325650 3.0181
59 Tome Spirit 124 Kunlun230 192 142725 3.0181
60 Tuolo Guard 128 Kunlun-348 -322 162825 3.0181
61 Tya Defender 124 Kunlun-39 -50 1712700 3.0181
62 Ubantez Guard 128 Kunlun30 130 162825 3.0181
63 Vigilant Barx Rimefist 124 Kunlun-272 -126 190300 3.0181
64 Vigilant Icespike Golem 128 Kunlun48 -165 217100 3.0181
65 Vigilant Sleet Spirit 132 Kunlun-430 -309 223560 3.0181
66 White Bear Guard 124 Kunlun219 -79 19030 3.0181
67 Without name 135 Battleground 1-460 373 85589500 3.0181
68 Without name 135 -- 85589500 3.0181
69 Without name 119 Battleground 1-376 448 81555000 3.0181
70 Without name 119 -- 81555000 3.0181
71 Zozphur Guard 128 Kunlun-412 137 553605 3.0181
72 Ingenua Agu 120 Cave of Ancient Tales-278 284 13322 1.2999
73 Spring Fount 120 Cave of Ancient Tales-453 334 13322 1.2999
74 Deathmark Gilhook 132 Kunlun420 169 190300 1.2961
75 Gilhook of Antiquity 134 Kunlun-413 -229 2515050 1.2961
76 Bone Spirit 128 Moontop Hollow-231 -469 108550 1.0809
77 Enflamed Embrace 128 Moontop Hollow-176 -433 108550 1.0809
78 Insidious Webcrawler 132 Moontop Hollow-193 -157 111780 1.0809
79 Myriadtail Serpent 132 Moontop Hollow-206 -169 111780 1.0809
80 Twilight Mothik 132 Moontop Hollow-217 -170 111780 1.0809
81 Avalanche Stalwart 124 Kunlun64 257 9515 0.9833
82 Barx Rimefist 124 Kunlun-196 57 9515 0.9833
83 Barx Rimefist Guard 124 -- 9515 0.9833
84 Bold Frostfist 124 Kunlun-198 237 9515 0.9833
85 Chubby Baby 125 Kunlun118 -175 200000 0.9833
86 Frozen Mountain Lady 130 Kunlun326 -363 5200000 0.9833
87 Frozen Traveler 120 Kunlun-349 282 8881 0.9833
88 Icespike Golem 128 Kunlun-49 -151 10855 0.9833
89 Icespike Golem Guard 128 -- 10855 0.9833
90 Kunlun Aurfeather 128 Kunlun-39 -193 10855 0.9833
91 Kunlun Guard 128 Kunlun416 210 10855 0.9833
92 Searing Skyfox 120 Kunlun-324 339 8881 0.9833
93 Shaodu Lookout 132 Kunlun126 -366 11178 0.9833
94 Sleet Spirit 132 Kunlun-366 -214 11178 0.9833
95 Sleet Spirit Guard 132 -- 11178 0.9833
96 Wicked Succubus 132 Kunlun-293 -286 11178 0.9833
Name Discount Map Coordinates
Physician Swarga 0% Sunstream170 66
Physician Rina 0% Jadeon59 113
Physician Eder 0% Skysong-81 -145
Physician Bihot 0% Billows-233 214
Physician Berezi 0% Doom Bog69 -180
Physician Argi 0% Wildlands115 150
Physician Aiton 0% Incense Valley-108 160
Physician Garbi 0% Southern Border42 -17
Physician Yollu 0% Kunlun-208 397
Physician Voin 0% Shura-267 -315
Xapheon Medic 0% Battleground 2-193 303
Xapheon Medic 0% Battleground 4-193 303
Xapheon Medic 0% Battleground 6-478 -349
Xapheon Medic 0% Battleground 8-334 82
Xapheon Medic 0% Battleground 1-374 448
Xapheon Medic 0% Battleground 3-374 448
Xapheon Medic 0% Battleground 5-478 -349
Xapheon Medic 0% Battleground 7-334 82
Yinshen Medic 0% Battleground 2-67 448
Yinshen Medic 0% Battleground 4-67 448
Yinshen Medic 0% Battleground 6-362 -464
Yinshen Medic 0% Battleground 8-323 -108
Yinshen Medic 0% Battleground 1-466 374
Yinshen Medic 0% Battleground 3-466 374
Yinshen Medic 0% Battleground 5-362 -464
Yinshen Medic 0% Battleground 7-323 -108
Physician 0% Fort Siege 01155 -424
Physician 0% Fort Siege 01212 250
Yinshen General 0% Ascension Battleground 1-354 -477
Yinshen General 0% Ascension Battleground 2-354 -477
Yinshen General 0% Ascension Battleground 3-465 372
Yinshen General 0% Ascension Battleground 4-465 372
Yinshen General 0% Ascension Battleground 5-66 445
Yinshen General 0% Ascension Battleground 6-66 445
Yinshen General 0% Ascension Battleground 7-336 -108
Yinshen General 0% Ascension Battleground 8-336 -108
Xapheon General 0% Ascension Battleground 1-475 -348
Xapheon General 0% Ascension Battleground 2-475 -348
Xapheon General 0% Ascension Battleground 3-374 449
Xapheon General 0% Ascension Battleground 4-374 449
Xapheon General 0% Ascension Battleground 5-195 304
Xapheon General 0% Ascension Battleground 6-195 304
Xapheon General 0% Ascension Battleground 7-322 85
Xapheon General 0% Ascension Battleground 8-322 85
Yinshen Gear Exchange 0% Ascension Battleground 1-349 -472
Yinshen Gear Exchange 0% Ascension Battleground 2-349 -472
Xapheon Gear Exchange 0% Ascension Battleground 1-480 -352
Xapheon Gear Exchange 0% Ascension Battleground 2-480 -352
Xapheon Gear Exchange 0% Ascension Battleground 3-376 452
Xapheon Gear Exchange 0% Ascension Battleground 4-376 452
Yinshen Gear Exchange 0% Ascension Battleground 3-462 369
Yinshen Gear Exchange 0% Ascension Battleground 4-462 369
Xapheon Gear Exchange 0% Ascension Battleground 5-192 302
Xapheon Gear Exchange 0% Ascension Battleground 6-192 302
Yinshen Gear Exchange 0% Ascension Battleground 5-69 448
Yinshen Gear Exchange 0% Ascension Battleground 6-69 448
Xapheon Gear Exchange 0% Ascension Battleground 7-330 81
Xapheon Gear Exchange 0% Ascension Battleground 8-330 81
Yinshen Gear Exchange 0% Ascension Battleground 7-327 -107
Yinshen Gear Exchange 0% Ascension Battleground 8-327 -107
Physician·Yin Qan 0% --
Physician·Zou Yang 0% --
Physician Noi 0% Divine Realm223 -447
Physician Diin 0% Divine Realm385 25
Receiver Chogo 0% Truth Swordtower118 152
Receiver Chogo 0% Grasstemple Village-351 103
Physician Soyi 0% --
Physician Mujiu 0% --
Physician Jong 0% --
Healer Master 0% --
Physician Wen Ping 0% --
Physician Lanaya 0% --
Mountain Master Senzon 0% --
Aqua Master Wayfel 0% --
Wind Master Fronka 0% --
Cloud Master Urshin 0% --
Couldstorm Physician -20% Fort Siege 02242 -333
Physician Tsong 0% --
Physician Wayne 0% --
Physician Shantsi 0% --
Physician Justin 0% Dragon Mountain-274 -392
Lord Rigel 0% --
Physician Yoren 0% --